
To reconcile agriculture with the environment

At present, modern agriculture does not take into consideration the soil structure and its biology, even though soil-plant-microorganism interactions are vital for all plants. The start-up BioIntrant integrates this notion in the development of its probiotic biostimulants.

The plant-soil-microorganism approach considers the microbiome as a fundamental element in plant establishment, growth and yield. Thus, BioIntrant’s probiotic biostimulants increase the capacity of soils to support intensive agriculture. This capacity is achieved through the structuring of the soil allowing the development of phytobeneficial microbial communities. This new environment gives the plant the ability to better withstand the various abiotic stresses imposed by the environment. This is the objective of the startup BioIntrant, which is a spin-off of LEMiRE, one of the research teams of the Aix-Marseille Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnologies.


“BioIntrant incorporates over 30 years of scientific expertise with its co-founders including agronomy, soil science, microbial ecology and bioinformatics”
