
A protein biochemistry platform


Created in January of 2019 to provide all BIAM researchers with the technology and support needed to produce and study recombinant proteins, in 2021 ProteinTec is increasing its offer notably through an investment plan for equipment to support the BIAM's research work

This new platform allows to harmonise and reinforce the BIAM’s know hpw in protain production, purification and characterization. Available protocols allow cloning, expression testing, biophysical characterization and the production of crystals for protein X-ray crystallography.

Our equipments

Biomass Production
  • LEX48 Bioreactor
  • Äkta Pure FPLC 
Biophysical caracterisation 
  • Prometheus PANTA
  • Monolith X
  • MicroCal iTC200
    • TECAN evolution pipetting robot
    • Mosquito Xtal3

Who can access the equipment?

  • PROTEINTEC operates based on a collaborative mode within the framework of collaborative projects. However, requests outside of collaborations may be reviewed by the management depending on the equipment availability. For any information, please contact the platform head.