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The Cité des Énergies brings together three major players
BIAM, CEA-LITEN, CEA Tech in the South Region
The Cité des Énergies project was born out of the CEA Cadarache center’s historical expertise and its increased commitment to supporting businesses.
The project’s ambition is to promote excellence in research and the dissemination of technologies in the field of low-carbon energy.
Who are we ?
Created by the CEA 10 years ago, the Cité des Énergies project stems from the capitalization of R&D skills in alternative energies developed at Cadarache since the 1970s (experimental solar platform, activities on photosynthesis and its energy applications) and from the CEA’s desire to turn to supporting businesses.
Today, the ambition of the Cité des Énergies is to promote excellence in research and the dissemination of technologies in the field of renewable energy. In this sense, players in the biosciences, biotechnologies and bioprocesses, solar photovoltaic and smart energy networks sectors have come together in this semi-open area managed by the CEA with, for the time being the Institute of Biosciences and biotechnologies Aix-Marseille (CEA/CNRS/AMU joint research unit), le CEA-LITEN et CEA Tech en Région SUD.
From Research to Industry
By bringing together fundamental and technological research, the project contributes to improving the competitiveness of local companies, the development of industrial sectors and to combining training, research and industry in order to become a key centre for the development of new energies.
Thus, the Cité des Énergies is structured around five strategic axes:
- solar energy
- 3rd generation biofuels from microalgae
- biotechnology development focused on bioenergy (photosynthesis) and the environment
- smart energy networks
- technology transfers developed by the various CEA institutes
The platforms bring together shared equipment, pilots and demonstrators, enabling academic partners or private companies to carry out R&D programs.
To date, more than 30 partnership contracts have been signed, representing more than €71 million in registered investments.
The project has the strong support of all the local authorities. For the region, the aim is to bring together a maximum number of skills on the Cité des Énergies site.
Within the next 2 to 3 years, an entrepreneurial zone “En’Durance” will be open to industrialists wishing to collaborate in the development of R&D projects on new energies, and thus reinforce the cluster effect of the Cité des Énergies.