Unlocking Plant Resilience: Evolutionary Synergy in Stress Adaptation

A groundbreaking mechanism enabling plants to optimize their photosynthesis has been unveiled by a scientific collaboration led by the BIAM. Remarkably, this discovery involves molecules of bacterial origin, and opens promising avenues for developing agriculture that is more resilient to climate change. Chlorophyll fluorescence images of plants for analysis of photosynthetic activity Photosynthesis, fundamental to […]

Challenge Elan Eco Energies 2023 awards ceremony at the CEA

Two innovative projects from BIAM rewarded and supported by CEA On January 23rd, the CEA’s General Management organized the award ceremony for the Elan Eco Energies Challenge 2023. The event took place in the presence of Laurence Piketty, Deputy General Administrator of CEA, Marie-Astrid Ravon-Berenguer, Financial and Programs Director, and Armelle Mesnard, Director of Sustainable […]

When microbiology meets materials science and advanced imaging techniques to better understand symbiotic interactions

A scientific consortium, led by CEA and CNRS researchers of the Institute Biosciences and Biotechnologies of Aix-Marseille (BIAM), have revealed the symbiosis between microbial organisms, whose magnetic properties allow them to navigate collectively in sediments. This work, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, opens the way to apply interdisciplinary approaches […]

Plant molecular biology and physiology of drought stress EN


Job offer The CEA recruits a Scientist in:“Plant molecular biology and physiology of drought stress” A permanent scientist position is open in the team “Plant Environmental Physiology and Stressed Signaling” (PEPSS) within the Bioscience and biotechnology Institute of Aix-Marseille located in the Cadarache Centre, Southern France (Provence). Mission and activities of the host team You […]

Mechanisms involved in the interaction of bacteria withessential or toxic metals EN


Job offer The CEA recruits a Scientist in “Mechanisms involved in the interaction of bacteria with essential or toxic metals” A permanent scientist position is open in the team “Interactions Proteins-Metal” in connection with the “Metal Acquisition and Metalloproteins” group in the team “Environmental Molecular Microbiology” (MEM) within the Bioscience and biotechnology Institute of Aix-Marseille […]

Research Engineer to design and implement new tools for its phytotechnology platform, PHYTOTEC EN


Job offer The CEA recruits a Research Engineer to design and implement new tools for its phytotechnology platform, PHYTOTEC A permanent research engineer position is open in the « Phytotechnology platform PHYTOTEC », a plant experimentation platform at the service of research and industry within the Bioscience and biotechnology Institute of Aix-Marseille located in the Cadarache Centre, Southern France […]


Job offers The Bioscience and biotechnology Institute of Aix-Marseille (BIAM) is looking to recruit the emerging new scientific talents We seek talented scientists in the fields of life sciences, adaptation of organisms to environmental constraints, bioengineering and biotechnology for energy and the environment. Are you talented and passionate? Come and share our commitment to a […]