
Ensure support for the development of SMEs and VSEs with innovative approaches Novachim supports and integrates innovative SMEs and VSEs in the chemical sector into its network. Information on research resources, innovation and the improvement of techniques is regularly distributed. Its network is specifically animated to promote technology transfer between the academic world, research centers […]

Innov’Alliance Alimentation Bien-être Naturalité INNOV’ALLIANCE ACCOMPAGNE LA TRANSITION ÉCOLOGIQUE ET TECHNOLOGIQUE DE L’AGRICULTURE. Innov’Alliance est le pôle de compétitivité leader en France sur la thématique Alimentation Bien-être et Naturalité, avec un positionnement unique sur 4 filières industrielles : Alimentation, Cosmétique, Ingrédients santé et Compléments alimentaires, Parfums et arômes sur toute la chaine de valeur, de la production agricole à la […]
Competitiveness clusters

Innovation in the Regions How can we increase the competitiveness of French industry and promote growth and employment ? By networking companies with public research organizations and universities, competitiveness clusters act as real boosters of innovation potential with one objective: to increase the competitiveness of French industry while promoting growth and employment in the host […]
European Regional Development Fund

European Regional Development Fund 284 M€ have been invested by the South Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region via the European Regional Development Fund over the 2014-2020 period. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to improve the attractiveness of territories by developing their accessibility (new technologies) and promoting sustainable development. It supports economic change, in particular by […]
European Union

Page en construction
Metropolitan area

The Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis has accompanied the development of the Cadarache cluster since its creation Created on the initiative of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and combining research and development, the Cadarache cluster represents real added value for the metropolitan area in terms of attractiveness and competitiveness. This is why the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis has supported […]

The State supports the development of the Cité des Énergies The Cité des Énergies project develops R&D in the field of low-carbon energy and also aims to improve the competitiveness of local companies and the development of regional industrial sectors. Within the framework of the 2015-2020 CPER, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation […]
CD13 département

The department supports the development of research and higher education The Department relies on the current CPER (Contrat de Plan Etat-Région), the common law framework for programming major investments in research and higher education. Like previous CPERs, the Department is heavily involved in the 2015-2020 CPER, committing €18M, including €1.5M for the construction of the […]

The Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region acts for the energy transition Research building of the Cité des Énergies – Cadarache Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is a major region for higher education and research. With its leading university centers, it ranks 4th in France for the number of researchers and R&D spending and has a strong innovation dynamic. Aix Marseille […]

CAPENERGIES The Innovative Energy Community Le pôle de compétitivité Capenergies facilite l’émergence de projets innovants et accompagne leur financement et développement pour accélérer la Transition Energétique dans les territoires. Il intervient au bénéfice des filières énergétiques décarbonées et de ses membres implantés en Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Corse, Guadeloupe, Île de la Réunion ainsi qu’en Principauté de […]